giovedì 10 marzo 2016

Keep Me In Your Memory #12

La rubrica a cadenza casuale, in cui vi lascerò una frase, una citazione, tratta da un libro, da una serie tv o da un manga che mi ha particolarmente colpito, e che vorrei "tenere nella mia memoria".

"If today were only one tick in a room full of clocks, unchanging and unhurried, would he let me make him laugh, put my hands in his hair, take away that lingering melancholy that I could see tingeing the edge of his thoughts?
(...) Katharine Tulman was not one of those girls. She was the clock, a clock that had lost its key, unwinding in the dark."

(The Dark Unwinding, Sharon Cameron)

2 commenti:

  1. Questa citazione mi piace molto :) E il libro ce l'ho in lettura proprio ora *_*
